City Lights to Publish New Poetry Next Spring

City Lights has announced that it will publish a new collection of poetry titled “Metamorphoses” by Evan Kennedy next spring.

Due to be out on April 11, 2023, this has been described as “a pagan elegy for the U.S., superimposing ancient Rome over San Francisco,” where the poet resides.

While no poem contained here makes mention of ferries, Kennedy is an avid bicyclist…a vehicle many commuters use to reach their final destination.

He is the author of several books, including Jerusalem Notebook , THE SISSIES, and TERRA FIRMAMENT

Previous incarnations of these poems were published in Brooklyn Rail, Castle Grayskull, Local Knowledge, Senna Hoy, and Vozdukh Magazine.

We enjoyed looking over the galley proofs, and found “Keats Routines” evocative of a mystical Bay voyage.