Folio Society is a Rich Domain for Ferry Riders

While we advise ferry riders to frequent book sellers in the great Bay Area, on occasion we also seek fine limited editions produced by London-based Folio Society.

One such example is the detective novel, “The Singing Sands” by Josephine Tey.

Here, a subject of interest keeps on the move by eluding capture using our favorite mode of transport.

“If he meant to go by sea, then he may have taken them to Victoria before going to Euston. Did he like the sea?”

“So-so. He wasn’t daffy about it. But he had a mania for ferries.”


“Yes. Seems it began when he was a kid at a place called Pompey…and he spent all his time on a penny ferry.”

Later, the lost lad arranged to reach to Paris by the night ferry.

He “collected” ferries, it seemed.

He would go many miles out of his way to be punted across a stream which he could have crossed by bridge a few yards from where he was standing.