Italian-American Celebration Scheduled For This Weekend

The passing of flinty and feisty Dianne Feinstein was marked by many somber rituals in San Francisco recently.

The former mayor launched her political career here before advancing on to the national stage later as an important player in the U.S. Senate.

Many here, though, recall when The City became a little less imperial when her predecessor, Moscone was assassinated in 1978.

The tough and regal Italian-American ruled San Francisco with imperial zeal, and was always keen on celebrating his paisano roots. Vestiges of that era remain, however.

For example, October is “Italian Heritage Month” here, and memories of Moscone resonate with the many events commemorating his legacy as a bold Caesar-like leader.

In the wake of our long pandemic, the San Francisco Italian Heritage Parade returned to the streets of North Beach, celebrating the accomplishments and culture of all Italian-Americans.

Held annually in October since 1868, the event attracts visitors from around the world with its procession of marching bands, colorful floats, vintage cars, and costumed participants.