On the outbound ferry ride from San Francisco to Oakland, we like to listen to “Morning Cup of Jazz” at KCSM-FM with Alisa Clancy at the helm, as it gives us an added caffeine rush and some measure of confidence to face the day.
On the inbound journey, it must be “On the Backstretch” with Robin Pressman at KDFC, where the soothing strains of Baroque, Romantic, and all other vibes associated with “Classical” music, ushers us into the night.
Nocturnes, anyone?
Pressman describes herself as “a New Yorker with California rising. A city girl with a country heart.”
Apart from her astrological bearings, is she a horse player as well?
That’s not disclosed.
As for Ms. Clancy, she’s a rip. And just might have paid a visit to The Track.
She went to school in Kentucky at Bowling Green, after all, where she worked as a DJ.
When she moved to the BayArea in 1987, she began her journey toward becoming the station’s program director and host of the fabled program for more than 20 years.
Photos: Courtesy of KDFC/KCSM